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“世界因爱而生2023”跟随 The Harbour Ukuleles 感受尤克里里的魅力

“世界因爱而生2023跟随 The Harbour Ukuleles 感受尤克里里的魅力



帕特·伯恩,The Harbour Ukuleles背后的创作力量,录制了The Pogues的歌曲《Rainy Night In Soho》并在Youtube上获得了超过两万次的点击率,他很高兴地宣布,The Harbour Ukuleles将在Smock Alley剧院举行的2023年“世界因爱而生”全球春晚中表演。

Pat Byrne, the creative force behind The Harbour Ukuleles who recorded The Pogues song, Rainy Night In Soho and got over twenty thousand hits on Youtube for their videos, is delighted to announce that they will play at the “A World Born Of Love” Global Spring Festival Gala 2023 at Smock Alley Theatre.

“世界因爱而生2023”跟随 The Harbour Ukuleles 感受尤克里里的魅力

The Harbour Ukeleles

帕特在爱尔兰威克洛郡Greystones的Hotspot音乐俱乐部出道,并在2011年组建了Hotspot Ukes,该乐队在爱尔兰各地的许多节日中演出了数年,帕特随后在2016年组建了The Harbour Ukuleles。

Pat started out in The Hotspot Music Club in Greystones, Wicklow, Ireland and formed the Hotspot Ukes in 2011, which played at many festivals throughout Ireland for a number of years and Pat then formed The Harbour Ukuleles in 2016.

帕特也是世界闻名的英国尤克里里乐团的爱尔兰推广人,他们通常每年访问爱尔兰时都会在都柏林国家音乐厅演出,场场爆满。帕特还在邓莱里(Dún Laoghaire)的卡宾特利社区学院(Cabinteely Community College)教授尤克里里和吉他。他以前在爱尔兰和欧洲演奏传统爱尔兰音乐,然后在八十年代创建了著名的音乐场所——The Purty Loft。对于帕特来说,教授这种叫做尤克里里的小吉他是一种爱的劳动,因为他相信每个人心中都有一首歌,而尤克里里是最容易演奏的乐器,他称其为和平的乐器。

Pat is also the Irish promoter of the world-famous Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain who play to full houses in The National Concert Hall Dublin when they visit Ireland usually yearly. Pat also teaches ukulele and guitar in Cabinteely Community College in Dún Laoghaire and in former times played traditional Irish music in Ireland and Europe before creating the famous music venue The Purty Loft in the eighties. For Pat it’s a labour of love to teach this little guitar called ukulele as he believes that everyone has a song in their heart and the ukulele is the easiest of instruments to play and he calls it the instrument of peace.

“世界因爱而生2023”跟随 The Harbour Ukuleles 感受尤克里里的魅力

Pat Byrne与会长陈秋梅女士和荣誉会长 Jimmy MacCarthy(夫妇)

The Harbour Ukuleles每周二晚上在Bray的Harbour Bar演出,演奏者年龄从7岁到80岁不等。妈妈和女儿以及父亲和儿子一起学习,然后在当地的慈善活动中歌唱、演奏和表演。帕特在读了劳登在《纽约时报》上接受的一次采访后,安排了一场劳登·温莱特创作的“游泳之歌”。因为当劳登在采访中谈及关于他巡回演出时的活动时说,游泳的最佳地点是邓莱里(Dún Laoghaire)的 “Forty Foot”浴场。于是他带着大家在这个的地方游泳,然后唱起了这首歌,并把它拍了下来,发给了劳登。他回复说:"有史以来最好的封面"。你可以在文末或者点击“阅读原文”的链接观看这支影片。

The Harbour Ukuleles play in the Harbour Bar, Bray on Tuesday evenings and the age demographic is from seven to eighty. Mums and daughters, fathers and sons learn together before singing and playing and performing at local charity events. Pat arranged the Loudon Wainwright penned “The Swimming Song” after reading an interview in the NY Times that Loudon gave, about his activities when touring, when he said that the best place for swimming is “the Forty Foot” bathing place in Dún Laoghaire. So, he brought the group down for a swim in the “Forty Foot”, then sang the song and filmed it and sent it to Loudon to which he replied quote, “Best Cover Ever”. You can watch it below or click the "Read more" link.

Harbour Ukuleles的联系方式


电话:087 676 4443

Harbour Ukuleles Contact

Email: patbyr@gmail.com

Phone: 087 676 4443

欧洲中国文化艺术交流与合作研究会和中外国际家庭联谊会是在爱尔兰政府正式注册的中立性公益机构,旨在为欧洲和中国之间文化艺术交流搭建一座多维度多元化的桥梁。由欧洲著名音乐家Jimmy MacCarthy和爱尔兰华侨陈秋梅Annie(夫妇)创建,由欧洲和中国的一些文化名人,知名艺术家及相关文化艺术单位组成。欧洲中国文化艺术研究会总部在爱尔兰,欧洲和中国多地均设有分部。

Europe-China Culture& Art Exchange Research Association and Chinese and Foreign family association are neutral public welfare organizations officially registered with the Irish government. The aim is to build a multi-dimensional and diversified bridge for cultural and artistic exchanges between Europe and China. The organisations were founded by the famous European musician Jimmy MacCarthy and overseas Chinese Chen Qiumei (couple), and include a number of European and Chinese cultural figures, renowned artists and related cultural and artistic institutions. The organisitions are based in Ireland, with branches in Europe and China.

“世界因爱而生2023”跟随 The Harbour Ukuleles 感受尤克里里的魅力


会长陈秋梅与荣誉会长Jimmy MacCarthy




